Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Wiki Project


 My subject which i chose for my project is Autism.. I want to give information about autism and some characteristics of autism. If you wonder about it, please click link. Thanks everyone.. :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

One Specific Word

        I choose this word because everybody asked me how you can achieve being quiet and calm even we are in a debate. Actually, i did not do it consciously because when i was a child, i generally preferred to be silent rather than speaking. It was like a habit for me so that i had no difficulty while i was sitting without speaking.  Recently  it is changed a bit, but still its influence is going on...I can sit down just looking around without speaking for hours . Silence is more peaceful for me except special days.. ;)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Digital storytelling: Project2

              As you know there is a fairy tale about hardworking ants and a lazy cicada.In the fairy tale, ants are working the whole summer because they want to be comfortable in the winter. On the other hand, cicada is just laying down and enjoys himself by playing guitar. 
            We altered the fairy tale a bit for our project.. Ant Mike and Cidada Joe made a deal in the summer, Mike was going to work the whole summer and Joe was going to amuse them and then according to the deal they made, Mike was going to help Joe in the winter.. But.. Let's see the end of the fairy tale. ;)

Podcast: Book Review Project

If you want to see my podcasting, please click here.


          It is a bestselling mystery- thriller novel written by American author Dan Brown. In this book, a lot of exciting events were told between a legendery secret society named Illuminati and Catholic Church. I recommend this book because it is so facinating that you don not recognize when the book is over especially for people who like this kind of thriller fiction.  It is worth reading...